Crow Archaeology brings industry leading experience to the needs of your development project, with a focus on personal engagement. We specialise in dealing with all aspects of archaeology for developers and planners through the planning process. We can assist with the evolution of development plans over time and respond rapidly to emerging issues.
The company is owned and managed by Dr Rachael Townend. She is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Archaeologists (CIfA) and has over 20 years of experience in archaeology including academia, fieldwork and consultancy.
Her clients have been developers of urban and rural building refurbishments, commercial and domestic new-builds, power plants, airports, estate disposals, Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUEs), agri-businesses, national infrastructure and other consultancies with limited archaeological capability.
West Midlands Base, UK-Wide Coverage
Located in the historic market town of Shrewsbury, Crow Archaeology is ideally located to offer our services nationwide.
Archaeological conditions on planning applications at both outline or full application stage are commonplace. It may be, however, that you, as a developer, have not been subject to such a condition previously.
To satisfy such conditions local authorities will usually require certain documents and/or on-site measures in advance of development.
We are expert in the production of these documents and agreeing the appropriate measures with the local authority archaeological advisor.
Documents commonly required in the planning process in connection with archaeology are:
Under certain circumstances a breach of an archaeological planning condition may be identified by the local authority. We are expert in working with both client and local authority to resolve any identified issues.
Archaeology is a material consideration in the planning process in England, Scotland and Wales. This is governed by a range of legislation, local planning policy and statutory and non-statutory guidance that is specific to the regions. In this process there are a range of potential statutory and non-statutory consultees who may have a stake in a given development scheme.
We are expert in archaeology as a planning issue and can provide advice on the implications for any proposed development on the potential effects to archaeological remains and the process by which these may be mitigated.
Archaeological fieldwork in some form is often required as an element of planning condition discharge. Common forms of archaeological works in this context are:
We are expert the procurement and management of archaeological fieldwork ensuring quality control and compliance in relation to planning conditions, construction management regulations and health and safety requirements.
Archaeological remains, together with listed buildings, scheduled monuments, World Heritage Sites and other elements of the ‘Historic Environment’ are afforded various degrees of protection under UK and international heritage law.
As the Historic Environment is ever present and all around us, change in that environment, whatever form it takes, requires management for the benefit of the country’s heritage, its landscapes, cityscapes and people.
We are expert in engaging with statutory and non-statutory consultees in the resolution of issues arising from development proposals that may affect the Historic Environment.
Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC), Statements of Common Ground (SCG), Environmental Statement (ES) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) contributions are important elements in our core competencies.
Our Heritage Risk Assessments (HRA) has been devised as a low cost, fixed price, rapid response report aimed at clients looking to evaluate the risks associated with their project or property portfolios at this time of heightened vulnerability.
These HRAs are not designed to replace Desk-Based Assessments or Heritage Statements and are not suitable for submission as planning documents. They are intended as a tool for internal use only.
It is our hope that these High Level Risk Assessments may be of assistance in the decision making process around which projects to take forward in the future.
We offer 2 different risk assessments designed to meet your needs.
Download a sample Core Risk Assessment Report
Download a sample Enhanced Risk Assessment Report
* VAT will be charged at prevailing rate.
* released under Creative Commons non-commercial licence
A zoomable, scaling set of Stylesheets for QGIS - free to use as you wish*
Crow Archaeology is expert in the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) heritage data in planning. We use the open source QGIS Project for it's power, flexibility, feature richness and cost efficiency (it's free...).
To support our professional and volunteer communities we have developed a set of Stylesheets (QML) for QGIS which define display symbology and labelling characteristics for Historic England's Designated Heritage Asset GIS data.
Specifically, they are aimed at small companies, heritage organisations, self-employed contractors, third-sector organisations and voluntary groups.
* released under Creative Commons non-commercial licence
Crow Archaeology
5 Glanwr
SY22 6PB
Tel: 07796 172270
Company No. 12264247